Victor的人设相当不讨喜甚至一季下来都找不到一个闪光点but that’s kind of normal for us to being gay, 更多时候都会因为社会压力而徘徊在性向探索之间雁翔红楼选择更简单还是更随心的路走…所以剧版完全解决了影版让人觉得过于梦幻的问题故事更现实更纠结更缺少圆满无怪乎Fliex现在是全剧人气最高的角色谁会不想要和可爱的nerdy做朋友啊
Especially touched, when Al went crying and kept saying 'God dam it!' for his client's suicide, & when he was yelling in the court with great sadness for in final section. I see a man's heart got hurt. But very luckily, his woman love & stand for him. Sensational.