其实这已经不能算一部电影或者在此之前没有哪家电影公司会拍这样的电影如果没看过7部蜘蛛侠电影(甚至观看的时间跨度不够长都不行)没看过Daredevil剧集甚至没看过毒液都很难共情入这部戏不过反过来说在给粉丝造梦层面索尼和漫威在蜘蛛侠这里达到了全新的高度Peter P arkerJEALOUSVUE成熟五十可以说是来自皇后区的终极偶像了
20210404 HK // they gave you everything to follow you everywhere just to simple be. and that was always more than enough, it was the full extent of happiness. but we were always chasing stars, and forgetting, that we might have been happy if we just looked within.